12-30-2020, 06:40 PM
Festival of Elkmire
As the herds begin their migratory march towards the vast open fields of Brushvield, the night sky promises a pleasant evening with stars seemingly glistening their pleasure at such a festive event. The crowds begin to grow and before long, songs can be heard bellowing from doe's lips; the friendly clash of brawling hooves thud against flesh as the bucks test their iron-like mettle and prepare their battle tactics for the winter's rut.All seems well here as the night progresses. There is laughter, fun, festivities far as the eye can see and no one seems the wiser to the sudden shift in the stellar road. The stars are burning brighter, hotter, as they get closer to Idris's unsuspecting surface...
Everyone is welcome to join in these festivities! Those who choose to participate will receive 50 star shards at the end of the event.